Comp Team Fees '24-25
Monthly Tuition Chart​
MINI PREP - 3.75hrs/wk- $125
PETITE PREP - 4.5hrs/wk - $135
PETITE PREMIERE - 5.25hrs/wk - $140
PETITE PRESTIGE - 7hrs/wk - $160
JUNIOR PREP - 5.5hrs/wk - $145
JUNIOR PREMIERE - 7hrs/wk - $160
JUNIOR PRESTIGE - 7.5hrs/wk - $165
JUNIOR PRODIGY - 9.25hrs/wk - $185
SENIOR PREP - 5.5hrs/wk - $145
SENIOR PREMIERE - 6.25hrs/wk - $155
SENIOR PRESTIGE - 8.75hrs/wk - $180
SENIOR PRODIGY - 10.75hrs/wk - $200
TEEN PREMIERE - 5.75hrs/wk - $150
Costume Package for 2024-2025 Season:
Package Includes - $465
Team Wear - will include a black leo and black bottoms
2 Pairs of Dance Shoes (1 Practice, 1 Performance)
Costumes for 3 dances including Hip Hop shoes
(additional $$ may be required depending on shoe)​
*Costume Fees may vary depending on Team, for example, Prestige and Prodigy Teams will have 4 dances so this will add $85/costume to their costume fees.
Pink Ballet tights and shoes will need to be bought on your own for ballet classes. Any additional leotards apart from teamwear leo are optional on your own.
Any additional items such as a dance bra or seamless underwear will need to be purchased on your own. For recommendations on where to purchase, please contact the office.
Competition Fees and Info:
Competition fees are $40 per dancer per dance per competition.
Prep & Premiere Teams: $40 x 3 dances x 3 comps = $360/dancer
Prestige & Prodigy Teams: $40 x 4 dances x 4 comps = $640
Convention Fee
All Prestige, and Prodigy Teams + Sr Premiere comp classes are required to attend Epic Dance Convention September 20th and 21st. Lunch and Dinner provided. This is mandatory and fees will not be refunded. $245 Due by August 15th.
All Prep teams + Petite, Jr and Teen Premiere will be attending Epic Dance Convention on September 28th. Dinner provided. This is mandatory and fees will not be refunded. $160 Due by August 15th.
Recital/Showcase/Banquet Fees
Recital/Showcase/End of year banquet Fees:
Single comp dancers $95
Multiple comp dancers in same family - $115
Comp + studio dancer in same family - $180 (this includes studio recital)
Production Routine:
We are so excited to add a production number to our competition routine list! Productions are a fun way to include all teams and age groups. Any and all dancers from our competition team program are invited to attend an audition for this routine.
We will be holding an audition on Friday, August 23rd from 4:30-6:00 pm. A short section of the routine will be taught and showcased to judges!
Production practices will be the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month starting in September and will go from 4:30-6:00 pm.
Anyone wanting to participate will agree to the following additional costs per dancer:
$25 a month added tuition cost
$85 additional costume fee
$120 additional competition fee
Click the button to register for auditions!​
Additional Fees and Info:​
Enrollment in our Autopay system is a requirement at RW. Any late charges will be subject to a $15 late fee after the 10th of each month.
Monthly Auto Payments will be calculated to include ALL tuition, competition, costume and showcase fees for the year. (This does not include the additional costs that may come). These will be pulled on the 1st of each month.
Below is a breakdown of fees and due dates for 2024-2025 season in addition to the tuition, competition, costume, and showcase fees mentioned above:
May Costs-
​Annual $30 Registration fee ($50/family).
Tryout Fee of $30/dancer.
June Costs-​
June Workshops Due by June 10th (See above for fees)
July Costs -
Initial Dance Fee of $300 per dancer will be DUE by JULY 10th. This will cover initial costume charges and some upfront competition fees.
August Costs - ​
Monthly Tuition begins!​
Epic Dance Convention - (See above) $245 or $160 Due Aug. 15th.
Sept additional Costs -
Additional Choreography fees may be assessed depending on team. Range from $35-$65/dancer. ​
October additional costs-​​
Team Jacket orders
Optional backpack orders​
Master classes will be offered throughout the season. Prices are determined by the guest choreographer at that time.
Competition Team Summer Workshops
Workshops run for 6 weeks starting June 3rd
No classes the week of July 4th
Final week will be the week of July 15
MINI PREP - Tues/Thurs 9:30-11:00 $160
PETITE PREP - Tues/Weds 2:00-4:00 $175
PETITE PREMIERE - Tues/Weds 2:00-4:00 $175
PETITE PRESTIGE - Tues/Thurs 11:00-1:15 $185
JUNIOR PREP - Tues/Weds 2:00-4:00 $175
JUNIOR PREMIERE - Tues/Weds 2:00-4:00 $175
JUNIOR PRESTIGE - Tues/Thurs 11:00-12:30, Weds 4:00-6:00 $190
JUNIOR PRODIGY - Tues/Thurs 11:00-12:30, Weds 4:00-6:00 $190
SENIOR PREP - Weds 10:00-12:00, Thurs 2:00-4:00 $175
SENIOR PREMIERE - Weds 10:00-12:00, Thurs 2:00-4:00 $175
SENIOR PRESTIGE - Tues/Thurs 11:00-12:30, Weds 4:00-6:00 $190
SENIOR PRODIGY - Tues/Thurs 11:00-12:30, Weds 4:00-6:00 $190
TEEN PREMIERE - Weds 10:00-12:00, Thurs 2:00-4:00 $175
Comp summer workshops are required. Any days missed will not be pro-rated from fees, nor will a make-up day be available.