Parents and Dancers... Another weekly update headed your way!
There is not a ton of new information but we would like to remind you of some things. First, Team Costume deposits are due Friday September 9th and Studio Costume deposits are due Friday September 16th. Be sure to make those payments to avoid late fees. Team parents, I have already started to order Hip Hop shoes. Those will be posted to your accounts in the next week or two so be sure to watch for those. Your dancer will not be able to take them home until paid for.
Tuition is coming up next Thursday the 15th. If you would like to enroll in autopay we are still offering that. You will need to print off an autopay form from the Forms tab or come in the office and we can get you one as well.
Jackets are available to try on in the office. If you have not come by to try them on be sure to do so before the 23rd. We will be submitting the order that day. You will need to have your jacket paid in full by then or else we cannot order you a jacket. Anyone can purchase a jacket not just dancers.
Team parent meeting will be Saturday the 17th from 10-11AM. We will be going through a lot of information so be sure to make arrangements to be there if possible.
We will be sizing ALL dancers for shoes, tights and costumes in the next 2-3 weeks as well. I am putting in an order in the middle of October for shoes and tights. This will be the ONLY order before recital. Watch for our order deadline so you do not miss out on things you may need.
Last thing! If your dancer is interested in doing conventions we highly recommend it! They are great opportunities for dancers to expand in different dance styles, learning from professional choreographers, broadening skill and ability, potential scholarships, and learn quick combinations and skill sets. Hip Hop Utah is a fantastic convention held every year. Many of our dancers have attended before and always come back with positive feedback. If you are interested in your dancer going, be sure to register before it gets full! Here is the full flyer so you can get a feel of this year's program. If you have any questions about it or need help registering let me know!!