Dominic Rayman
Acro Master Class with complimentary Contemporary class!
Petite Elite, Junior and Senior dancers invited
This Saturday, August 10th
9:30-10:30am – Acro Master Class
10:45-12:45pm – Contemporary Class (free with Acro Drop-in)
Welcome Back Reminders!!
Competition Teams:
2. If you are NOT including your costume fees into your autopay, your 1st Costume Fee was due, August 1st!
3. If you have NOT signed up for AUTOPAY, please do so ASAP! See the office for details! Remember that new this year there will be a $3 transaction fee with every cc payment! (not including autopay)
4. Our studio Open House is August 24th from 10am-12pm. Please tell your friends if they are interested in checking out our studio! Our studio classes are already filling up! :)
5. If you have NOT been measured yet for costumes, please make sure to come to the office soon!
6. Just a reminder on Absent Policy for Competition Team Members - everyone has signed the team commitment form and absent policy during intensives. Being on a competition team means you are committing to be to dance each dance day. If you are sick or have vacations planned, please make sure you check with your teacher for make-up day opportunities. As we approach recital and comp seasons, it is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT you are at dance! If you miss choreography, you will need to make it up with your teacher. This may include private lesson fees. Even with one person missing, it makes it difficult for the team to practice routines completely. Please make every effort to come each class.
7. Many times dancers want to sit out during class time for a variety of reasons. This will not be allowed without a note or heads up from a parent. If they start to feel sick during class, we will have them call home to either leave or get permission from a parent to sit out and watch. Please discuss this with your dancer.
8. Team wear has been ordered and is currently being made. We will have these ready to handout in mid-August. :)
Studio Classes:
3. 1st Costume fee of $75 is DUE by October 1st for all dance classes (Tumbling not included) ($10 late fee will be charged for late payments)
4. CC Transactions- New this year- there is a $3 cc transaction fee for any cc payments. :( The good news - this is not the case with our AUTOPAY system!! :) Sign up for our autopay system and avoid that $3 fee! We still accept checks & cash. I will attach the Autopay form to this email, just print, fill out and turn into the office.
5. We are hosting an Open House on Saturday August 24th from 10am-12pm. Tell your friends to come check out our studio and meet our teachers!
6. As with any new year, we ask that you sign a liability form and turn it in on the first day of class. I will also be attaching this to the email.
7. A couple of favors we ask of Parents -
1.) Please do not stay and watch your dancers. Our Dancers LOVE their audience...sometimes so much that they ignore their teacher! :) It makes it super hard for their teacher to keep them focused on what they are learning in class. You are welcome to come the last 5 minutes to take a peak of what they are working on. THANK YOU!!!!
2.) Please be prompt at picking up your dancer! Sometimes teachers have back to back classes and schedules are full. Please be prompt when picking up your dancer. For our young dancers, we will not let them roam around outside waiting for safety reasons. Please come inside to pick them up. THANK YOU!!
8. Dancers wear any form fitting comfortable dance attire they would like to class. Barefeet or any dance shoe are fine, we will be providing them with a pair of dance shoes soon.