Here is a link for the studio schedules:
Please have your dancer wear dance clothing with their hair pulled back for class.
Studio Recreation Teams important dates for the year:
September 2nd- No dance
September 3rd - First day of classes
October 1st- Costume fee due
November 27-29- Thanksgiving Break No dance
December 13th- Dress Rehearsal
December 14th- Recital @ Northridge
December 19th- Last day of dance
January 6th - Dance resumes
February 22nd- Picture Day
March 31-April 4- Spring Break No dance
May 5th Dress Rehearsal
May 6th- Recital @ Peery Egyptian Theatre
May 15th- Last day of dance
Competition Teams important dates for the year:
September 2nd -no dance
September 20-21 Convention
September 28- One day Convention
October- Dance jackets/backpacks ordered
October 31st- no dance
November 1st- Full payment for Disney trip due
November 27-29- Thanksgiving Break: No dance
December 16-17- Parent watch Night
December 18 - Pizza Party
January 6th- Dance Resumes
January 20th- MLK day, No dance (extra production practice WILL be held)
January 24-26- Disney trip
February 3rd- Team Showcase
February 17th- No dance Presidents day
February 22nd- Picture day
March 7-8- Prodigy/Prestige Comp only
March 21- Gotta Move Competition @ Cyprus High
March 31-April 4- Spring Break No dance
April 24-26- Premier Competition in St. George
May 1-3- Arise Competition @ Granger
May 9th - Banquet
May 15th- Last day of Dance
May 19-21st- Try Outs
Solo and Duet Dancers
Please make sure you've joined the BAND group to ensure you're receiving all the updates and information. If you have not joined, please email the office and we'll send you the link!
Ballet attire will now be required for all Ballet classes. (Leo, pink tights, ballet shoes, and hair pulled back.)
Reminder about Rhythm Works attendance policy:
*Any absence excused or not excused is an absence. Please call the office, DO NOT contact the teacher to let know of any absence.
*You will be counted LATE if you arrive after the first 10 minutes of class. Please note: 6 lates = 1 Absence 6 Leave Early = 1 Absence
*If You are absent the week of performance you will be spaced out, no questions asked! You will be charged a $50 re-spacing fee per routine.
*If a dancer misses more than 4 consecutive technique classes without make-up lessons THEY WILL BE MOVED TO A LESS ADVANCED TEAM and pay a spacing fee. DO NOT BE THE PERSON THAT HOLDS YOUR TEAM BACK!
*Dancers are permitted 3 absences for each half of the 2024-2025 season if dancing 2 days a week. Dancers are permitted 5 absences for each half of the 2024-2025 season if dancing 3 days a week. This includes choreography and technique classes.
*Dancers are required to make-up technique classes by attending another class or scheduling privates with an assistant/ teacher at additional expense. Dancers that miss choreography will be charged $20 to make up choreography with an assistant OR $10 if multiple dancers attend. TEACHERS WILL NOT BE RETEACHING CHOREOGRAPHY IN CLASS, ONLY A QUICK REVIEW!
* If you exceed the number of absences and do not take make-up classes, you will be removed from a routine and/or the team.